Friday, February 16, 2007

Get Your Head Out of the Toilet!

Get your head out of the toilet!

I used to work for Planet Hollywood. My job was to photograph and catalogue all of the props that were purchased by the company. I saw a lot of strange things there and said many things I never thought I'd hear myself say like:

"Do I have to photograph each taxidermy rat individually?" (as if the thought of handling rats wasn't disgusting enough I had to photograph 32 late rats...and yes, individually)

"I've got the Alien head would you grab John Candy's undies?", "Can I get a few guys to help me hold up my 12 foot bra?", "I lost my shoe in a 7' crate full of packing popcorn.", "Careful that one oozes".

But as a mom of a 3 yr. old, I found a whole new set of things that I never thought I'd say. There's your basic stuff like "because I said so" and "knock it off" but then there are things like:

"Don't put your shirt in the dishwasher!", "Don't drink the bath water!", "Stop putting poop on the floor!", "Get your feet out of my face! I don't want your butt in my face either." And my favorite, "Get your head out of the toilet"

Ahh....the life of a mother.

Thanks for reading,

Cherish Shalom

1 comment:

  1. Just today, I heard, "Don't poke your eye!!" come out of my mouth.
