Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Huey, Duey, Kissy, and Mo

Huey Duey Kissy and Mo

a fish tale by Cherish Shalom

This is a recording of ordinary events happening to obscure fish in a small tank in nobody's house that you know. Okay for real though, this is a story about how I suck at keeping fish alive. For Joel's third birthday he received a Walmart gift card from the Sotolongo family, with which we purchased our first group of fish. Let's see there were the three big silver fish named Larry, Curly and Mo. There was the tiny goldfish, Peewee, two black and orange fish which were two small to name. Sotolongo the Elusive Sucker Fish as he's come to be known because he has a severe social disorder. Any time he sees anybody or anything move he haul's but behind the filter where he remains about 99% of the time. Then finally there was my favorite the small boggly-eyed, beautiful tailed, black fish accurately named Moreno.

Unfortunately following the plot of every thriller in the theatres today the black fish was the first to die. I did all I could. I put him in his own bowl, with his own food and even pumped oxygen into the bowl. I did everything except yell "clear" and give him a little charge of electricity which… lets face it wouldn't have worked out so well for either of us. I mean come on this isn't a horror story, my name ain't Stephen King. Despite my efforts he took the porcelain express to better lands. Soon after, followed Larry, Curly, PeeWee and the two noname fish. We were left with Mo (the little silver fish) and of course Sotolongo the Elusive Sucker Fish who we are amazed is still alive.

The tank was boring. So Papi brought home three Goldfish which I promptly named the only other trio I know of which is Huey, Duey, and Louey. They brightened up the tank with their bright orange color. Soon I realized that the silver fish was changing colors. It was amazing but he actually changed himself to a light color of orange. I was like, "This is either really amazing or really pathetic for the wanna be orange fish" I debated renaming him WannaBe but went with thinking it was amazing and left his name Mo.

Then the other day I was feeding the fish and I heard kissing noises. I looked at my son and all around the room and then back in the tank and realized that the smallest goldfish, when he eats instead of gulping the food sucks at the food on the top of the water and the result is kissing noises. So quickly I renamed him Kissy Fish. So our little family of fish now consist of Huey, Duey, Kissy, Mo and Sotolongo the Elusive Sucker Fish!!!